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Expanding Earth Hypothesis and Pre-Cambrian Earth

Matti Pitkanen


In this article I continue to develop the TGD version of the Expanding Earth hypothesis. The key topics are   more detailed  views of the  pre-Cambrian biology, geology, and thermal evolution and of what happened in the Cambrian explosion induced by the increase of the radius of Earth by factor 2. One ends up with a detailed model  for the phase transition leading to the increase of the Earth radius. This phase transition requires a considerable energy feed  provided by the phase transition thickening monopole flux tubes of the magnetic body of Earth  and liberating energy. The analogy with the recent Mars   pre-Cambrian Earth had  a solid core  analogous to the  inner core. In the phase transition to  a liquid  outer core with much larger volume. Part of the newly formed  outer core could   in turn have   transformed to form a part of the mantle increasing its thickness.

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